Tuesday, December 23, 2008


===Izzy ===[[ also known as "crazy, insane girl", knows a lot about nature and has a habit of lying. When she was voted off the first time, it was because the [[Royal Canadian Mounted PoliceRCMP]] arrived to arrest her. After she and Eva returned, it appeared she had formed an alliance with Heather (which only lasted that episode). It seems she and Owen both like each other, until he pushed her in the way of the escaped psycho killer in "Hook, Line and Screamer." She kept a grudge against him after this, until the last two episodes, when Owen kisses her multiple times in "The very Last Episode, Really", and she hangs out with him in "Total Drama Drama Drama Drama Island". Izzy is realizing she shot Heather and Chef with tranquilizers darts. When Eva was voted off again, she tried to say she didn't really leave, but Izzy interrupted. She claimed in an interview with Chris that she and Justin dated but broke up because he's a liar. Her friends on the island are Owen, Lindsay, Eva, and Noah. Also, Izzy wants to change her name to Kaleidoscope, or E-Scope for short.
Catch Phrase-"Wicked!"
Izzy will be in Total Drama Action for season 2.

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